Japan's enormous difficulties are painful... and millions suffer across our globe. We have a no fly zone in Libya, political power vacuums, wars, and death everywhere. Elections and intrigue in the air along with Iodine-131 and cesium-137. Sweet 16, a drive to Calgary, dinner with a former President, Inter-American Bank, Municipal Council meetings, political meetings, finance and audit committee meetings, and private meetings. A software project, a real estate negotiation in South America, rental property in another country... 150 to 200 emails per day. Lions club, elementary school tours, college tours, and policy guidance. Visits to other levels of government, family time, work time, and business time. Taxes in two countries. Yeah, I can deal with all that.
Even with this brush stroke of a few short days, there is still time to think about how fast the human brain can upload, assimilate, store, and retrieve data. If we evolve, then what are the neurological ramifications of the natural process of adaptation to our surroundings, and hence, to the ever increasing requirement for data throughput? On an anecdotal level, it sometimes seems like people can feel overloaded. There are estimated to be some 200 billion neurons in the human brain. An impressive number to be sure. Beyond that, synaptic structures are measured in the hundreds of trillions. Fascinating numbers, all of them.
We expect a child's brain contains approximately one quadrillion synapses. With age, there is a correlating declination of synapses, decreasing to as few as 100 trillion. So here's the rub, as each year goes by and data input resources expand at exponential rates, adults experience consistent declination of synapses. The ramifications for adult humans to keep up with technology seems obvious, yet somehow we seem to do it.
So with all of that, my conclusion is simple. After consulting array tomography and neurological resources, I am only sure of one thing. Array tomography output looks like a tree. Like a Fibonaccian structure presented in a state that resembles a mature tree in a beautiful forest. It could be chance, but perhaps it is the scientific modus operandi of a master we can't comprehend. Truth and faith resemble chance and art in the World of neurological science.