The Opportunity - Southwest and Asia Pacific Markets

Low operating costs create a compelling business model and
small to mid-sized companies with market presence in the Southwest and
Asia-Pacific markets may capture proximity benefits for their supply chain.
Globally Integrated Logistics Zone // Port Regionalization
The emergence of intermediate hubs (offshore terminals)
created a new hierarchy within the port system, acting as intermediate
locations. Additionally, the efficiency and capacity of container cranes
improved, enabling ports to handle larger ships and a higher containerized
throughput, particularly in the context of efficient inland distribution.
The Port of Los Angeles and other large port gateways on the
west coast must operate with a wide array of various issues that compress their
ability to grow. Deep water requirements for Post Panamax ships combined with a
wide variety of local and regional issues, have created reduced land
availability in proximity to major gateways. Inland ports, such as Kingman,
offer competitive advantages for Port operations that can be external to core
gateway operations via port regionalization.
Kingman Advantages
- Class 1 Rail Access
- I-40 Corridor Access
- CANAMEX Corridor Access
- Reduced Operational Costs
- Reduced Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
- >7 million market <200 miles (Maricopa Co. & Clark Co.)
Rail Segmentation
- Aggregate
- Bio-fuels
- Chemicals
- Cullet/glass
- Machinery/equipment
- Lumber
- Metals
- Plastic resin
- Steel products
- Petroleum products
* Load Types include Dry Bulk, Liquid Bulk, Dimensional, Pulp/
Paper, Food.
Foreign Trade Zone / FTZ
Inland ports typically designate an area for a Foreign-Trade
Zones; secure areas under U.S. Customs and Border Protection supervision that
are generally considered outside CBP territory upon activation. FTZ advantages
accrue through;
- Deferral of duty
- Deferral of excise taxes
- Tax free removal from the FTZ as per Tariff Act
- Security Level for CBP specifications
Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZ) are secure areas under U.S.
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) supervision that are generally considered
outside CBP territory upon activation. Located in or near CBP ports of entry,
they are the United States' version of what are known internationally as
free-trade zones.
Authority for establishing these facilities is granted by
the Foreign-Trade Zones Board under the Foreign-Trade Zones Act of 1934, as
amended (19 U.S.C. 81a-81u). The Foreign-Trade Zones Act is administered
through two sets of regulations, the FTZ Regulations (15 CFR Part 400) and CBP
Regulations (19 CFR Part 146).
Foreign and domestic merchandise may be moved into zones for
operations, not otherwise prohibited by law, including storage, exhibition,
assembly, manufacturing, and processing. All zone activity is subject to public
interest review. Foreign-trade zone sites are subject to the laws and
regulations of the United States as well as those of the states and communities
in which they are located.
Under zone procedures, the usual formal CBP entry procedures
and payments of duties are not required on the foreign merchandise unless and
until it enters CBP territory for domestic consumption, at which point the
importer generally has the choice of paying duties at the rate of either the
original foreign materials or the finished product. Domestic goods moved into
the zone for export may be considered exported upon admission to the zone for
purposes of excise tax rebates and drawback.
Qualified public or private corporations that may operate
the facilities themselves or contract for the operation sponsors foreign-trade
zones. The operations are conducted on a public utility basis, with published
rates. A typical general-purpose zone provides leasable storage/distribution
space to users in general warehouse-type buildings with access to various modes
of transportation. Many zone projects include an industrial park site with lots
on which zone users can construct their own facilities.
Subzones are normally private plant sites authorized by the
Board and sponsored by a grantee for operations that usually cannot be
accommodated within an existing general-purpose zone. (Department of
Homeland Security, 2017)
Advantages of an FTZ
- CBP duty and federal excise tax, if applicable,
are paid when the merchandise is transferred from the zone for consumption.
- While in the zone, merchandise is not subject to
U.S. duty or excise tax. Certain tangible personal property is generally exempt
from state and local ad valorem taxes.
- Goods may be exported from the zone free of duty
and excise tax.
- CBP security requirements provide protection
against theft.
- Merchandise may remain in a zone indefinitely,
whether or not subject to duty.
- The rate of duty and tax on the merchandise
admitted to a zone may change as a result of operations conducted within the
zone. Therefore, the zone user who plans to enter the merchandise for
consumption to CBP territory may normally elect to pay either the duty rate
applicable on the foreign material placed in the zone or the duty rate
applicable on the finished article transferred from the zone whichever is to
his advantage.
- Merchandise imported under bond may be admitted to a FTZ for the purpose of satisfying a legal requirement of exporting the merchandise. For instance, merchandise may be admitted into a zone to satisfy any exportation requirement of the Tariff Act of 1930, or an exportation requirement of any other Federal law (and many state laws) insofar as the agency charged with its enforcement deems it so.
Considerations for establishing an FTZ in Mohave County
- Discussions could be parsed into several logical
- Geographic Benefits / Liabilities
- Comparative Economic Benefits / Liabilities
- Work Force Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,
Regional Positioning - California
California posted a 2.5 trillion GDP in 2015. If California were a nation state, it would rank behind the United States, China, Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom. California ranks slightly ahead of France and Brazil (World Bank, 2017).
California Sectors
Three important sectors make up 29% California’s GDP,
including transportation, trade, utilities, manufacturing, agriculture, and
mining. Accordingly, the Mohave County region is proximal to approximately 725
billion GDP of highly targetable trade, and those three segments would still
rank in the top 20 global economies, surpassing the entire GDP of Switzerland
and Saudi Arabia.
West Coast Ports
West coast ports transit large scale rail traffic to the KC Smartport
from where 85% of the US domestic population may be reached in two days. Kingman
is one day (16 hours or less) from the West Coast ports and offers access to
Las Vegas, Phoenix, Albuquerque, El Paso, and Mexico City, the Port of Lazaro
Cardenas, and Veracruz. Port traffic on the west coast is dominated by Los
Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach
The Port of Los Angeles (POLA) is America’s largest, with
the Port of Long Beach (POLB) in second place. Combined, they handle about 16
million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU), almost three times the size of New
York. This trade growth is fueled by China and Pan Asian trade routes.
CANAMEX Corridor
The compilation of evaluation data for designation of the CANAMEX
corridor through the Maricopa region is the Arizona Department of
Transportation (AZDOT) report that solidifies the route proposed and accepted
by the Maricopa Association of Governments. The map, shown here, delineates the
route of the CANAMEX corridor and ties through Highway 40 in Kingman. Investments made to
accommodate growing truck traffic on the CANAMEX Corridor align with known
truck traffic patterns and correlate with warehouse densities in metropolitan
Sun Corridor
Moving trade across the CANAMEX corridor is part of the
equation. Undertaking an industry led stakeholder identification of key
synergies to be captured by the greater Kingman Region will provide the basis
for an analysis of job creation potential and weight that with labor rate
potential in order to capture as many jobs as possible and amplify the wage
The State of Arizona recognizes the importance of
inter-municipal and inter-organizational collaboration. It requires
partnerships to move cargo from a point of entry on Arizona’s border, to or
through the state. These partnerships range the various modes of transportation
while the corridor reflects an opportunity to connect Mohave County to the
emerging super-corridor, a.k.a. the Sun Corridor.
The Joint Planning Advisory Council has a shared vision to
jointly coordinate planning efforts and carries the consent of the Maricopa
Association of Governments, Pima Association of Governments, the Central
Arizona Governments, and the Sun Corridor Metropolitan Planning Organization (Joint
Planning Advisory Council, 2017) .
Proximity to the Auto Industry in Mexico
Proximity to Mexico offers some prospect to capture part of an
17 billion plastic resin supply chain (, 2017) . Due to the
considerable number of automobile manufacturers in Mexico, the market for
specialized plastic feedstock is accelerating, this may be immensely impacted
by the expansion of commercialized 3D printing, which requires a specialized
feedstock. The market for 3D printing feedstock is expected to meet or surpass
the amalgamated plastic resin export market within five years.
Market Risk
Kingman is on the BNSF Class 1 rail line moves domestic
traffic to the KC Smart Port. Kingman offers midpoint value and regional
highway access to domestic markets of Phoenix and Las Vegas, it also connects
to El Paso, thus able to connect to Mexico’s automobile production corridor
while boasting Atlantic and Pacific access through bidirectional connectivity
to the ports of Veracruz and Lazaro Cardenas.
Assumption of political risk is assigned to the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) being renegotiated and/or terminated
during the proximal three-year horizon is low as confirmed by the Executive
Office of the President through the U.S. Trade Representative Office as a
releast of NAFTA negotiating objectives (Executive Office of the
President, 2017) .
Strategic Planning - Overview
Given the strategic location of Kingman and the nexus of
rail, air, and highway, it seems like it would be wise to examine certain
industry sectors to determine if they are candidates for Kingman served
markets. These industries compromise the initial research required to formulate
a solid and credible economic development plan that leverages the Kingman
The Example of Plastic Resin and 3D Printing with Polyamide Feedstock
Of the current market segmentation, plastic resin was
selected for a brief scan of data and market opportunity relative to the
geophysical positioning of Kingman. This was done due to major export and
import points relative to BNSF class 1 rail and intra-rail connectivity
providing a supply chain corridor from Joffre and Los Angeles to Mexico City.
U.S. exportation of plastic resin to Mexico represents a 17-billion-dollar
export market. Mexico is also the largest export destination for U.S. Plastic
and Rubber Equipment, Tools, Dies, Jigs, and Industrial Molds. It is also the
fifteenth largest destination for U.S. Additive Manufacturing equipment. More
importantly, Mexico is expected to see 3D printing feedstock, polyamides,
exceed all other forms of imported resin by the year 2020.
Industry segmentation for the consumption of resin recollects
companies like GM, Ford, Chrysler, and Toyota, but it also features companies
like Fuji Heavy Industries and some of the World’s largest consumers of tech
equipment used for processing and bio-packaging products in the food and
beverage sector. BNSF also switches in El Paso with Ferromex offering
integrated service to Mexico City.
Integration of the FTZ
Storage sites confer supply chain proximity of plastic
resins with short market lead times, making them ideal for established
corridors such as Los Angeles/Mexico City through Kingman. Trans-shipment of
plastic resin, in addition to regional consumption, provide a customer base
that could leverage economic benefit through FTZ storage and re-exportation
duty free and excise tax free. This could, as an example, apply to Sterlite
Manufacturing using plastic resin originating in Canada for plastic products
exported either within the NAFTA market or external to it, with one way or two-way
taxation benefits being applicable.
Collateral Opportunity Points applicable to FTZ and international markets
Other opportunities include materials for construction,
electrical, and agricultural product trans-shipment. Extending the supply chain
includes not only the Pacific Rim countries, but also Canada as a large feedstock
supplier of North American plastic resin feedstock from Southern Alberta’s
Joffre Novachem facility. Trans-shipment through Kingman offers not only tax
exempted status, it also offers currency arbitrage opportunity through contract
forwarding of exchange rates the NAFTA partners.
Project Management
Economic development project management must be aligned with
the realities on the ground in addition to the vision and direction of local
and regional governments. These components plus stakeholder groups from
operational segments of the logistics zone and imperative. The physical
proximity of class one rail, air operations, and the CANAMEX Corridor trucking
access creates a trifecta of advantage for Kingman. A seven-step data set for
industry targeting consultations with stakeholders;
- Assessment of Alignment for Economic Stakeholders
- Existing Market Status Analysis & Data Management
- Data Collection, Normalization, and Statistical Analysis for Rail Cargo
- Data Collection, Normalization, and Statistical Analysis for Truck Cargo
- Data Collection, Normalization, and Statistical Analysis for Air Cargo
- Integrated Analysis of Road Rail and Air Data to define overlap opportunity
- Identification of Key Industry Targets
Regionalization Knowledge Management
- Inland Port
- Port Regionalization
- NAFTA Trucking w CANAMEX export/import
- Asia Pacific Truck/Rail/Shipping
- Other International Markets
- Transshipment
- Public Communications
- Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ)
- U.S. / Mex / Can (customs/douane)
Port governance is flexible and
may span central government owned entities to fully privately owned and
controlled ports. Typically, port governance in the United States is most often
public in nature. The organizational design in areas with private control in
place and a shifting business environment quite often benefit from a hybridized
governance structure that reflects the need for a flexible governance structure.
These could involve a combination of private industry leaders from stakeholder
industries alongside public representatives appointed by regional government
entities and/or public trust institutions.
Rail operators, class 1 and short
line, plus logistics service providers and other private stakeholders would be
likely candidates for inclusion. So long as there is widespread agreement on
the best structure, it is possible to have great flexibility in the design of
any governance changes and/or initiatives.
Department of Homeland Security. (2017, 07 26). About
Foreign-Trade Zones and Contact Info. Retrieved from U.S. Customs and
Border Protection:
Executive Office of the President. (2017, 07 27). USTR
Releases NAFTA Negotiating Objectives. Retrieved from Office of the
United States Trade Representative: (2017, 07 27). Mexico Country
Commercial Guide. Retrieved from Mexico - Plastic Materials / Resins:
Joint Planning Advisory Council. (2017, 07 27). A
Planning Partnership for the Arizona Sun Corridor. Retrieved from Joint
Planning Advisory Council:
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (2000, August). CANAMEX
Corridor Study. Retrieved from Maricopa Association of Governments:
Kingman and Mohave Manufacturing Association.
(2017). Conceptual Overlay. Kingman: Kingman and Mohave Manufacturing
World Bank. (2017, 07 26). Gross Domestic Product
2016. Retrieved from Databank - The World Bank: