Friday, June 7, 2024

Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESA)

While there are no reports that explore the impact of ESA's on individual counties, this data may be secured via the AZ Dept. of Education. Leveraging other publicly available data sets, the calculations as to statewide fiscal impact can be made using a variety of different inputs based on desired presentation of data.

For this analysis, none of that was done. Instead, the data was entered based on AZDOE data, then their average award was used to calculate total value of ESA's. 

I find the data has wide variance in the early quarters. I attribute this to the "newness" of the project, different leadership and a "shaking out" of the new ESA program which now has over 75,000 students enrolled statewide.

Based on estimates, one can project the fiscal impact as follows;

I'm getting ready to head to a forum, so I am not including further quantitative data at this time and, as you can see, scant if any qualitative analysis. 

More to come

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